
Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Church losing battle

Hole of Justice
by Peter G. Jimenea

The cost of finding the truth!

After the long verbal tussle between the pros and cons of the Reproductive Health Bill (RHB), it eventually hurdles the first barrier at the Lower House of Congress. Unfortunately,  the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has vowed to continue the battle against it.

But we noticed the diminishing support of the people to the Catholic Church in this issue. In fact, two women has appeared in a national daily challenging the Church to excommunicate them for their open support to the RH Bill.

What's more, reports of exodus by women devotees who transferred to the smaller religious groups of similar faith, is a cause for alarm. Why did these people leave their Church to join the smaller groups of the same believers?

History reveals that Catholic priests depend mainly on support of parishioners in areas of assignment for a comfortable living. This may be the reason of their stiff opposition to the Bill as its population control provision will surely redound to lose of income once enacted into law.

The CBCP failed to understand the government problems on how to provide the basic services needed by the fast growing population of predominantly poor families in this country. This is easily noted in the widening gap of economic disparity.

A lowly government employee with five kids cannot surely provide the education needed by his children unless he has other income. But the unemployed is the big problem. We don't even have the faintest idea if these people in slum areas are having three regular meals a day.

What's more with couples having already a half dozen children and still counting? If all their kids can finish high school but only one or two can have a step in first year or second year college, what's in store for them? Worse, aren't the less-educated siblings endangered to become criminals of the future?

This only shows that birth control by calendar method doesn't sit well in slum areas. If birth control pills and condoms are bad for the Church, then what about abortion which seems today as the most logical solution for the unwed and unprepared young mothers-to-be?

If Church leaders has only a fair treatment of issues of national concern, their flocks would never go away. But Catholic devotees now understand, especially women that this implementable and sustainable program of the government is good for them

The RH Bill does not solely dwell on the use of birth control pills and condoms but also advocates responsible parenthood and to that effect, includes the limitation in number of children by a family.

This is true as only responsible parents are concerned about health and education of their kids based on the affordability of family income. This is to ensure the children will become useful citizens of society.

Today, many young pregnant-mothers cannot even undergo pre-natal check up and mother-child care preparation due to financial constraint. This is alarming as recent international report disclosed that one in every three pregnant women in Asia dies during pregnancy or while giving birth to a child.

The CBCP and their flocks must also take note of this disturbing problem among women. They should now start asking themselves on why abortion are so rampant today and why this illegal business proliferates.

Perhaps, timendi causa est nescire - ignorance is the cause of fear. This may be the reason why the CBCP opposed the RHB. They refused to consider its advantageous provisions to women and young-parents as well. On why, they have yet to say.

But a great number of women-devotees are now emboldened to leave their faith due to difference in understanding of the Bill. Church leaders has failed to notice that since the EDSA revolution, their flocks who believed in them are now slowly moving away.

Lot of Catholic devotees has left the CBCP to oppose alone against the RHB. These Catholic flocks eventually learned that their future at stake in this battle is not the war they are fighting for! True divisiveness is..... see the ttile!

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